Monday 18 February 2008

Stupid Electricity!

I'm having a lot of hassle with the house electricty at the moment. I hope I've found the problem and fixed it but I won't know for sure because even the fault appeared to be intermittent. It's so frustrating.

It's not entirely unsurprising.

I had a great prayer time on Sunday afternoon. I got a couple of things really sorted between me and God and when I got back to the house the whole world pretty much explodes. The electrical system goes on the fritz, I argue with my wife, the fishtank overflows. All in the space of a few hours and all within minutes of me arriving back in the house after a productive time with God.

Something like 18 hours of nuisance, inconvenience, heartache and stupidity (not all other people's, probably not at all other people's) hot on the heels of me and God sorting something fairly landmark out between us.

Don't tell me there isn't an enemy.

Oh yes it's easy to explain away all of it in hindsight. The electrical hassle turned out to be a kettle, old, worn out and now thrown out. The cause of the argument was not hard to spot either. I've known my wife for nearly twenty eight years now and there's not a lot that either of us don't know about the other, good and bad; this particular dust up followed a fairly well established path which led to a predictable outcome (we don't always follow the same pattern in our rows, we have some hope, but if you aren't looking or are distracted some other way it's terribly easy to fall into a pattern). It's just the timing which was so odd, so diabolically good.

I don't usually ascribe my own hassles to diabolical enemies, I do enough on my own I freely admit. But this one is just too pat.

It's a reminder. This is a war, here is not Heaven, and the enemy who has come to steal and kill and destroy is here looking for someone to devour.

I hope the new kettle works as well as the old one used to.

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